Research Publications

S.No Name of the Journal (ABDC) Title of the Paper ISBN/ISSN No, Issue & Volume No Year of Publication Impact Factor
1 Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (ABDC Journal Category-B Indexed) Evaluating the Effect of COVID-19 on Major World Indices: In relation to Gold, Silver, Crude Oil, and Bitcoin ISSN: 1528-2678, Vol no:28, Issue no-2 January-2024 -----
S.No Name of the Journal (ABDC) Title of the Paper ISBN/ISSN No, Issue & Volume No Year of Publication Impact Factor
1 World Journal of Management and Economics (ABDC Journal Category-C Indexed) Artificial Intelligence based Framework For Human Resource Development by Employing Chatbots ISSN: 1819-8643, Vol no:16, Issue no-8 August-2023 ----
2 European Economics Letters (ABDC Journal Category-C Indexed) Work-Life Balance and Emotional Intelligence with Special Reference to Private Bank Employees ISSN: 2323-5233, Vol no:13, Issue no-4, Page.No:95-110 August-2023 0.278
3 Empirical Economics Letters (ABDC Journal Category-C Indexed) Certification Of Products In Ecommerce Websites Using Rule Based Decision Tree ISSN: 1681-8997, Special Issue02 September-2021 0.91
S.No Name of the Journal (ABDC) Title of the Paper ISBN/ISSN No, Issue & Volume No Year of Publication Impact Factor
1 Journal of Advanced Zoology Impulse Buying in the Digital Age: A Dimensional Study on Influencer Marketing Impact on Millennials ISSN: 0253-7214, Vol no:44, Issue no-S3, Page.No:920-928 13th October, 2023 ---
S.No Name of the Journal (ABDC) Title of the Paper ISBN/ISSN No, Issue & Volume No Year of Publication Impact Factor
1 Tec Empresarial (Scopus-Q4) An Investigation of Indian Consumers' Purchase Intentions Using Electronic Word-Of-Mouth ISSN: 1659-2395, Vol no:18, Issue no-2, Page.No:1783-1799 2023 -----
2 Journal of Harbin Engineering University (Scopus) Impact of Talent Management on Organization Performance and Practice: A Study of Talent Management in IT sector in context of NCR ISSN: 1006-7043, Vol no:44, Issue no-7, Page.No:1935-1942 July-2023 -----
3 International Journal of Professional Business Review (Scopus-Q2) Effective role of human resource management policies within marketing organization: the impact on business and marketing strategy implementation E-ISSN: 2525-3654, Vol no:8, Issue no-7, Page.No:1-12 28th June,2023 -----
4 Seybold Report (Scopus-Q3) A study on impact of employee job embeddedness on employee Retention ISSN: 1533-9211, Vol no:18, Issue no-3, Page.No:36-44 January 2023 -----
5 Pal Arch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology (Scopus-Q3) A Covid-19 impact analysis on the Migration of Rustic consumers to branded digital goods WRT Andhra Pradesh ISSN:1567—214X, Vol.17, Issue-9, Page No: 3860-3866 December-2020 ---
S.No Name of the Journal (UGC Care Group-1/Others) Title of the Paper ISBN/ISSN No, Issue & Volume No Year of Publication Impact Factor
1 Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship (UGC Care Listed) The Impact of Mobile Marketing on Customer Retention and Engagement: A Literature Review 2229-5348, Vol. 17, No.2 (III), Page no:33-40 April-June 2023 -----
2 Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering An empirical effect analysis of workplace burnout management in information technology sector 0970-2555, Vol.No:52, Issue No:1, Page.No:77-83 January 2023 6.82
3 Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Network Marketing Attributes' Influence on Emerging Entrepreneurs- an Empirical Investigation of Safe Shopping 2229-5348, Vol. 16, No.4 (I), Page no:13-22 October - December 2022 -----
4 Journal of the Asiatic Society of Mumbai A Study on “3M” Approach Towards Micro-Perineurial Thought Success ISSN: 0972-0766, Vol. XCV, No. 3, Page no:102-110 January-2022 -----
5 Journal of Oriental Research Madras-The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute A SIP & Lumpsum Analysis of Investment on Mutual Funds through Angel Broking Pvt Ltd ISSN: 0022-3301, Vol. XCII, No.1, Page no:85-91 30th December-2021 -----
6 NIU International Journal of Human Rights An Empirical Impact of Employee Work Life Balance With Reference To Royal Park Hotel, Kakinada ISSN: 2394 -0298, Volume 8(XXIII), Page No:144-150 November-2021 -----
7 Shodha Prabha Pandemic Impact of Virtual Recruitment on Job Seekers – the New Paradigm ISSN: Volume No:46, Issue:4, Page No:1-7 October-2021 -----
8 Wesleyan Journal A comparative camel analysis of selected public and private sector banks in India ISSN: 0975- 1386 , Volume. 14, No.2(III), Page No:140-147 September-2021 ----
9 Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Science Research- Journal of Anvesak Millennials’ Perception & Gratification Impact Study On Digital Payment Systems In Krishna District ISSN : 0378 – 4568, Volume. 51, No.2(II), Page No:29-39 December-2021 ----
10 Shodh Samhita : Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research An Experiential Study On Stress Levels Of Employees Via Teleworking W.R.T Tata Consultancy Services, Bengaluru ISSN: 2277-7067,Volume-VII, Issue No:8, Page No:22-30 August-2021 ----
S.No Name of the Journal (Peer Reviewed) Title of the Paper ISBN/ISSN No, Issue & Volume No Year of Publication Impact Factor
1 EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies (EBMS) The Impact of Brand Equity on Select FMCG Products at Hyderabad-An Empirical Study ISSN: 2347-4378, Volume-11, Issue No:1, Page No:168-173 January-2024 8.078
2 International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education Training and Development Strategies: Assessing Their Influence on Employee Engagement and Performance ISSN: 2395-4396, Volume-10, Issue No:1, Page No:140-147 January-2024 4.06
3 International Research Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science The Role of Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets ISSN: 2582-5208, Volume-6, Issue No:1, Page No:1005-1009 January-2024 7.868
4 International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science Assessing the Public Awareness on Financial Derivatives in Hyderabad Region ISSN: 2583-1062, Volume-4, Issue No:1, Page No:119-122 January-2024 5.725
5 International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science HRM 2.0: Navigating the Dynamic Intersection of Information Technology, Strategic Evolution, and Organizational Sustainability in the Digital Age ISSN: 2583-1062, Volume-3, Issue No:12, Page No:374-379 December-2023 5.725
6 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology Unraveling the Interconnected Dynamics of Reward Systems: A Comprehensive Study on Organizational Efficiency across Diverse Industries and Geographies ISSN: 2456-2165, Volume-8, Issue No:12, Page No:1924-1928 December-2023 7.176
7 EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies Exploring HRIS Adoption and Performance Outcomes in Hyderabad-based IT Enterprises: A Case Study Approach ISSN: 2347-4378, Volume-10, Issue No:12, Page No:112-117 December-2023 8.574
8 EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) Exploring Compensation Management Strategies: A Comprehensive Analysis across Diverse Industries ISSN: 2455-3662, Volume-9, Issue No:12, Page No:356-360 December-2023 8.55
9 EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review(JEBR) Advancing Performance Management and Impact on Employee Performance – A Comprehensive Review and Future Directions ISSN: 2347-9671, Volume-11, Issue No:12, Page No:54-58 December-2023 8.153
10 International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Strategic perspective on human resources practices; A comprehensive analysis of employee promotion, competencies, and compensation dynamics. ISSN: 2581-5792, Volume-6, Issue No:12, Page No:246-250 December-2023 5.719
11 Kalyan Bharathi-Journal of Indian History & Culture A consumers’ happiness and perception study’ wrt sevamkr private limited(It’z My Choice), Rajahmundry, East Godavari District. ISSN No. 0976-0822, Volume-36, No.9(II), Page No:94-100 October-2021 -----
12 Journal of Education: Rabindra Bharathi University Influence of Gender Budgeting on Women Entrepreneurship in India ISSN: 0972-7175, Volume-XXIII, Issue No-, Page No: July-2021 -----
13 Journal of Modern Thamizh Research (A Quarterly International Multilateral Thamizh Research) A Comprehensive Study on Employee Work Life Balance W.R.T Reliance Retail (Andhra Pradesh) ISSN : 2321-984X, Special Issue, Page No:773-778 June-2021 -----
14 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) An Overview on Paperless Trading in India ISSN:2278-0181, Volume 9, Issue 5, Page No:411-414 April-2021 -----
15 International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary A Behavioural Analysis of Customers in respect to Brand Preference w.r.t Swiggy & Zomato ISSN: 2455-0620, Vol-7, Issue-3, PageNo:56-63 March-2021 6.719
16 Journal of Modern Thamizh Research (A Quarterly International Multilateral Thamizh Research) Waste Management Initiatives and Challenges in India ISSN:2321-984X, Special Issue, PageNo:630-635 February-2021 -----
17 International Journal of Science & Research A Study on Influence of Employee Morale on Productivity in Steel Industry w.r.t Vizag Steel Ltd, Visakhaptnam ISSN:2319-7064, Vol.10, Issue-1, Page No: 469 - 473 January-2021 7.583
18 Gorteria Journal (UGC-Group-II) A Study on Student’s Attitude and Intention towards the purchase of luxury brands ISSN: 0017-2294, Vol-33, Issue-12, Page No:579-588 December-2020 5.3
19 International Journal of Marketing and Technology Marketing in the Digital Age ISSN:2249-1058, Vol.6, Issue-6, Page No:63-76 June-2016 -----
20 International Journal of Marketing and technology An Empirical Impact Of Green Marketing- Consumer’s Purchase Sensitivity In East Godavari District ISSN:2249-1058, Vol.6, Issue-4, Page No:168-179 March-2016 5.81
21 International Journal of Technology & Innovation Management The Role of Customer Relationship in Banking Sector ISSN: 2394- 594X, Vol-2, Issue-1, Page No:30-34 March-2016 -----
22 International Research Journal of Marketing and Economics The use of technology in Customer Relationship Management ISSN: 2349-0314, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Page No:16-26 February-2016 2.988
23 International Journal of Marketing and technology A Study on Customer Attitudes towards Service Quality Attributes of Public and Private Sectors Banks in East Godavari District ISSN:2249-1058,Vol.26, Issue 1,Page No:24-38 January-2016 3.4
24 International Journey of Management, IT and Engineering Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behaviour - New Millennium Perspective ISSN:2249-0558,Vol.5,Issue-12,page No:277-287 December-2015 5.8
25 International Research Journal of Marketing and Economics A Study On Customer Attitudes Towards Interaction Management Practices of Public and Private Sectors Banks in East Godavari District ISSN:2349-0314,Vol. 2, Issue 11,Page No:29-42 November-2015 2.988
26 International Journal of Science & Research A Study on Perception of Quality of Work Life among Textile Manufacturing Workers in East Godavari District ISSN:2319- 7064,Vol.4,Issue-10,Page No:1487-1491 October-2015 5.611
27 International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences Employee Engagement Related to Employees’ Performance ISSN:2349-4476,Vol.3, Issue-8.PageNo:153-157 September-2015 2.24
28 International Journal of Advance Research in Science & Engineering A Study on Customer Relationship Practices in Commercial Banks ISSN:2319- 8354, Vol.4, Issue-8,Page No:217-226 August-2015 1.142
S.No Name of the Book Chapter Title of the Paper ISBN/ISSN No, Issue & Volume No Year of Publication Impact Factor
1 NCDT-2023 Conference Proceedings A Study on the Impact of Employee Job Satisfaction in Healthcare Management ISBN: 978-93-5917-000-8, Page No:108-118 7th-8th July,2023 ----
2 Recent Developments and advancements in Finance (Book Chapter)-Immortal Publications A Study on short-term performance analysis of IPO’s in Indian Stock Markets ISBN: 978-93-5457-696-6, Page no:1-22 February-2021 ----
3 Recent Developments and advancements in Finance (Book Chapter)-Immortal Publications A Study on role of corporate governance in banking sector ISBN: 978-93-5457-696-6, PageNo:164-171 February-2021 ----
4 Sustainable Business Management Practices and Social Innovation (International Conference-Book Chapter)-Eureka Publications Impact of COVID-19 on Consumers Purchasing Intention towards Electric Vehicles ISBN: 978-81-950380-6-0, Page No:229-235 January-2021 ----
5 New Paradigms In Business Management Practices (Book Chapter) Corporate Social Responsibility- Major Core competency of corporate- an empirical study ISBN: 979-8-576-82665-0,Vol-2, Page No:66-76 December-2020 ----
S.No Name of the Journal(Web of Science/ESCI) Title of the Paper ISBN/ISSN No, Issue & Volume No Year of Publication Impact Factor
1 Business, Management and Economics Engineering(Vilnius Tech) (Web of Science/ESCI) Artificial Intelligence In E-Commerce: A Literature Review 2669-2481, Vol.No:21, Issue:1, Page no:1027-1037 April 25, 2023 ----
2 Business, Management and Economics Engineering(Scopus-Q3) (Vilnius Tech) Examining the Effects of Factors Influencing Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Respect to IT Managers in Gujarat 2669-2481, Vol.No:20, Issue:2, Page no:2154-2167 December 2022 -----

Faculty Development Programmes

  • Participated and completed the Faculty Development Programme on “Advances in Strategic Human Resource Management” course organized by AICTE & NPTEL during December-March, 2024.
  • Participated in Eight-Day National Faculty Development Programme on "Case-Based Learning, Teaching, Writing and Publication " organized by the Department of Management Studies, VFSTR Deemed to be University, Vadlamudi, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India 522123 from 25th September, 2023 to 2nd October, 2023.
  • Participated in Five-Day Professional Development Program on "Emerging Trends in Machine Learning" organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (AI&ML), Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad from 17th July, 2023 to 21st July, 2023.


  • Published a textbook on “Retail Management” by Amazon Publisher, ISBN: 979853924925, November 2020.
  • Published a textbook on “Business Laws” by Amazon Publisher, ISBN: 9798558314564, December 2020.
  • Co-Editor for the book titled “Green Banking & Environment” with ISBN No: 978-93-90996-08-7 by Archers & Elevators Publishing House, Bangalore, March 2021.
  • Co-Editor for the book titled “Research Trends in Multidisciplinary Subjects: Volume-3” with ISBN No: 978-93-91479-01-5 by Redshine Publications, Gujarat, October 2021.
  • Associate & Co-Editor for the book titled “Emerging Trends in Commerce & Management-Volume-2” with ISBN No: 978-93-93239-19-8 by Redshine Publications, Gujarat, January 2022.
  • Published a textbook on “Organizational Behaviour” by Redshine Publication Private Limited, Lunwada, in association with Red’mac International Press & Media. Inc India | Sweden | UK with ISBN NO: 978-93-93239-77-8 (First Edition) on February 2022.
  • Published a textbook on “Organizational Behaviour” by Paramount Publishing House, Hyderabad with ISBN NO: 978-81-970931-1-1 (First Edition) on March 2024.


    Patents (Design - International):

    • Dr. Jami Venkata Suman, Mr. Voonna Sainath Pavan, Dr. Tulasichandra Sekhar Gorripotu, Dr. Andhavarapu Kanthi, Dr. Srinivasa Rao Sura, and Mr. Y. Suryanarayana Murthy filed and registered a UK design patent certificate titled “Camera for Healthcare Management” with the government, design patent application no. 6328069 filed on 23rd November 2023 and granted on 4th December 2023.

    Patents (Design - National):

    • Dr. Ritesh Verma, Dr. Sarika Agarwal, Dr. D. Chitra, Tejaswi Vuyyuru, Mr. Y. Suryanarayana Murthy, Dr. Apoorwa Mishra, Abhishek Dutta Gupta filed and registered a design patent certificate titled “A Real-Time Tax Management Tablet” with the government, design patent application no. 386180-001 on 13th May 2023.

    Patents (Utility):

    • G Ramesh, Dr. R S Ch Murthy Chodisetty, G Vinesh Kumar, Y. Suryanarayana Murthy, Mr. Ravi Chandra BS filed on 20th February, 2024 and published a patent titled “Decentralizing Investment Wisdom: Cryptographically-Enhanced Collaborative Portfolio Management” with the government, patent application no. 202441011643 on 8th March, 2024.
    • Rakesh Kumar Sen, Prof. (Dr.) Ramanjeet Singh, Yamijala Suryanarayana Murthy, M Govardhan Reddy, Dr. Marimuthu KN, Gerald Vijay Reuben, Dr. Anjela Swarndipika Kujur, Prof. (Dr.) Bipin Chandra Pant filed on 25th August, 2023 and published a patent titled “Performance Management System with Real-Time Feedback and Goal Tracking” with the government, patent application no. 202321057263 on 6th October, 2023.
    • Uchit Kapoor, Dr. Deepa Ittimani Tholath, Dr. Shalini Rahul Tiwari, Dr. Shruti Mohapatra, Dr. Suvrashis Sarkar, Dr. Sheena Ray Thomas, Dr. Dattatraya Pandurang Rane, Mr. Y. Suryanarayana Murthy, Dr. Abdul Razak, Bhavesh Joshi filed on 6th August, 2023 and published a patent titled “Non-Cab Aggregation System” with the government, patent application no. 202311052763 on 1st September, 2023.
    • Dr. N.S.Lissy, Y Suryanarayana Murthy, M. Govardhan Reddy, Dr. Divyarajsinh M Zala, Dr. Manoj Sharma, Dr. Anupam Mitra, Dr. Naveen Kumar, Dr. Kamal Kumar, Dr. C.Vilvijayan, Dr. D.D. Paul Dhinakarn filed on 13th December, 2021 and published a patent titled “Present Scenario of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in the Indian Companies” with the government, patent application no. 202141057952 on 4th February, 2022.
    • Dr. M. Maheswari, Dr. R. Karthikeyan, Dr. G. Karunanithi, Dr. K. Saravana Kailas, Y. Suryanarayana Murthy, Dr. M. A. Raajarajeswari, Ramesh Kumar, Dr. N. Lalitha, Dr. C.Vilvijayan, Dr. D.D.Paul Dhinakarn filed on 18th December, 2021 and published a patent titled “Effective Financial Management Techniques for Organization Growth” with the government, patent application no. 202141059184 on 28th January, 2022.
    • Dr. Vishwanath Kokkonda, Dr. V. Subhashini, Dr. Rambabu Lavuri, Dr. B. Sasikala, Dr. G T Sasetharan, Mrs. Reena Raj, Mr. Yamijala Suryanarayana Murthy, Mr. M Govardhan Reddy, Dr. Shilpa shree M S, Mrs. G.Revathi, Dr. Rajendran C K filed on 29th November, 2021 and published a patent titled “Buyer’s Perception towards Retail Shopping In FMCG Products” with the government, patent application no. 202141055050 on 10th December, 2021.
    • Ms. P. Prasanthi, Dr. B. Senthil Kumar, Dr. G.S. Jayesh, Dr. K. Muthulakshmi, Dr. A. R. Kanagaraj, Dr. D. Parasakthi, Y Surya Narayana Murthy, M Govardhan Reddy, Dr. E. Nixon Amirtharaj, Dr. D. D. Paul Dhinakarn filed on 30th November, 2021 and published a patent titled “Mediums that exhibit the Impact of Latest Technology on HR” with the government, patent application no. 202141055523 on 10th December, 2021.
    • Dr. V. Mahalakshmi, Dr. Yabesh Abraham Durairaj Israve, Dr. D. Chitra, Mrs. B. Lakshmi, Mr. Y. Suryanarayana Murthy, Mr. M. Govardhan Reddy, Dr.C.Vilvijayan, Ms. B.Yogeswari, Dr. Sanjeev Salunke, Dr. D. Paul Dhinakarn filed on 2nd November, 2021 and published a patent titled “Impact of Direct Marketing: Challenges, Benefits and Future Prospects” with the government, patent application no. 202141050252 on 19th November, 2021.